Cyber Security Expert
Never had a cyber security job, never had an IT job
Never had a cyber security certification or any technology certification
Public Speaker?
Pays to speak - says he was invited (LAME!)
Clint Arthur Pay to Talk -The easiest and fastest way to create and grow your fake Celebrity Status
Claims to have spoken at Nasdaq / Harvard.. (see link below)
Who is the real Rick Jordan?
As real as his hair plugs.
Rick Jordan's Resume Explained

From his website

​Ethical Man "Ordained Pastor"
Affair with his Vice President
Affair with his Marketing Manager
Vacations (with VP) while company crumbles
Uses company funds for self promotion
Manipulates financial reports to SEC
Lies about business relations with "investors"
Doesn't speak to neighbors - "too good" for them
Drug Addiction
"Cyber Security" Company
Just like him - has no cyber security certifications
No IT Certifications
MILLIONS in debt
Employees hate him - lies to them.
Only has one office - Chicago
Multiple Federal Lawsuits
Doesn't pay employees

Legal Issues
ReachOut Technology UCC Federal Lien
Manipulates financial reports to SEC
Employment Lawsuits
ReachOut Federal Affidavit from former Corporate Controller
Paternity Allegations
CFO Robert Bohorad known SCAMMER just like Rick
Social Media
Paid fake subscriber accounts - look at them its hilarious.​

Public Comments